Friday, December 10, 2010


ouh....agk lme la ak xtlis kt blog nie...bukan nye ape....ak rce klu ak tlis pom an,xde gk org nk bce....pas2 ak xrtey la nk wt2 post2 yg ley trik mnat org.....btter ak bce post org bez...dpt tgk sal politk skrg,psl mslh2 org yg.....n psl hal2 semasa skrg ni an...hmmm....psl ak srg...ak still cm dlu...still mnat ngn aviation...hehehe..of course laa yg 2...alwaiz in my heart...cewahh..ak poom ase nk gne nicknme ak ni smpi ble2..biarla org ckp ak ni prsan an.....

hm...skrg ni pom ad lam keadaan yg cane ea nk ckp...ak ase skrg ak da ilg tman tp mesra ak....xtaw la sbb pe ley jd camni..hehehe..cdeyla plak btolla..ble tgk org len bhgia an ngn pair msing2,ak pom ad trgin xdela smpi nk kpel2...juz nk jd kwn yg rpat je ngn xdpt gk....myb sbb ad jnis mnusia yg haruan mkn ank...hahaha....HARUAN MAKAN ANAK..... 
hmmm...nk wt cane kn...

pas2 lam mggu ni gk ak ad mcm2 mslh....n yg plig trok nye psl bhu ak ni....dislocated blik....shoulder dislocation klu ikt term medic....agk skit la tyme dislocated 2....ak tahan skit 2 smpi 1 ari sbb ak xmo gtaw parent ak..hehehe...xmo dyorg mgkin ad hikmah gk sbb psl ni la ak dpt rce duk lam wad..pas2 dpt duk lam ospital privte...Hospital Pakar Perdana...klu iktnye mmg agk mhl mk ak ad wt insurance tok ak,so inssurance la cover sume2 nye...n next couple of weeks ak kne operate bhu ak ni...nk kne trnsplant tissue ni...hehehe...seram gk r...!!!!so hopefully la bahu ak ni will back 2 normal n ak leh wt2 kerja lasak ag....hehe...bley brenang,maen dumbell,maen bola...n sume2 la...da jd oku ni ssh la ckit...xley nk drve....maen badmnton....huhuhu....

ni tyme tahan skit la ni...nga tggu
nurse inject ubt bius...

ni da abis operate....bgi msok bhu 2
 kt tmpt asl dy..hehe..
bhu pom kne staping tok 2 mggu...
2 yg berbalut 2....

bab gmbr ni..ak xley tgk la...
sbb nye klu tgk gmbr ni..msti ak trgt kt tman
ttp mesra 2...huk3..=(

 la pics yg sempt ak upload....sdkit mem0ri lam cti sem ni.......huhuhu.....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

mY liFe in Uitm......

hmmmm.....da genap sebulan da ak duk kt uitm shah alam..actually ak pom x expect pom yg ak kakn jd stdnt u...huhuhu...actually my dream is want to be a ***** ,but the luck was not with xpela..mgkin i2 da tkdir ak n ak hrus mnempuhi alam bru ku ni....em...kt uitm nie,ak amek kos mech. engine and still ok la sbb xrelated ngn chem n da jd bdk u la kn,so attitude da kne ubh da...nk kne mtured da..da xley maen2 da lam since ak duk cnie,stahu ak bdk mech, E jd otai kt uitm nie..hahaha...n ad stu hari 2 ak ad trbce satu tagline n it qiute interesting la...'an engineer like to solve prob but if there are no prob handly availaible.they like to create prob..'..hahaha...em,since ak da jd dak mech.E kne la biase2 kn dri ngn la ad cket2 pics ak sempt candid tyme da kt welding lab...

Friday, March 5, 2010

my practicum.....

allo....this is my practicum...F4P3...we study at Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang...all are the guys???shock right???hehe..actually our practicum have 17 students...9 are 'hands0me' male and 8 are 'cute' girl..we are in PST by mid of April,we are going to finish our study sad...we'll going to miss all the sweet memories in KMPP...

By early April,we'r going to seat for a really crucial exm which is,PSPM 2...hopefully all of us will doing well and get the go0d pointer....To the all lectures,thank for all the knowledges that i'v learnt here...thanks s0 much...=)


ab0ut myself...

Allo...since this my first tyme i'm doing i really h0pe that someone will help me to make my blog more interesting...
ok..le me introduce name is mat it too simple right???hehe..actually this is juz my name is Wan Mohd Irsyaduddin b.Wan Kamal..i'm live in Jerteh,Terengganu...
about the hobby is i'm like to play f0otball and badmint0n...and it's n0rmal for the guy...right???...
em...i'm really interested in aviati0n...n that why i'm really want to be a commercial pilot...i mean is to work with airlines company...i'm sure thre are a lot of aspiring pilot outside there...n many of them still doesn't get the opportunity to be a pilot include,i'm really hope that i can pursue my dream by this year..hopefully...insyaaallah....
"Flying Through The Dreams"